Character is developed when you step out in obedience

Bible Study Fellowship is like drinking in God's word from a fire hose. Seriously. Sometimes I don't realize the weightiness of what I've heard until, in this case, years later.

Yesterday I started reviewing my notes from when I attended BSF back in 2014! Man, what a wealth of godly knowledge. I'm so thankful I took notes! And it's funny how the God of the universe can know me so intimately. He knew what my heart needed today back in 2014.

This adoption process can be summed up in one word: Obedience.
Now, please don't misunderstand me. This is not to imply that we are perfect or even obeying perfectly throughout our day to day lives, because all you have to do is ask my children and they will be all too happy to tell you how often mom losses it. Boy do i lose. But I can say that in terms of the adoption process, we have tried our best to simply obey in whatever capacity He has called. AND IT HAS BEEN SO COOL TO WATCH HIM WORK!

Both Jonathan and I long to see God work in our lives and the lives of our kids in a major way. We desire for God to be shown BIG in our lives. Many times, God chooses to work in those ways from the inside out. In other words, only when we are obedient to what He is calling us to do can we fully experience the wonder of God's BIGness. Which brings us to BSF 2014.

In BSF we were learning about the life of Moses and going through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deutoronomy (see what I mean about drinking God's word from a fire hose! lol). And here is what I wrote down:


P1. God's word is authoritative: The more you take it to heart (God's word), the more He'll change you.

  • 2 Timothy 3:16 God's word is God breathed useful for teaching, rebuking and correcting in righteousness
P2. Character is developed when you step out in obedience: Moses' life

  • Moses was a man of faith even when circumstances were against him
  • Moses was a man of prayer
    • laid his problems before God
    • he was an intercessor (prayed for the needs of others)
  • Moses was humble (Numbers 12:3 no one was more humble on the face of the Earth)
    • teachable not defensive
    • humility --> change of heart
  • The Lord was his vindication
  • Moses was a man of courage
    • DL Moody summarized the life of Moses as this
      • Moses took 40 years learning to be something  (Self confident)
      • 40 years learning to be nothing (No confidence)
      • 40 years learning that God was everything!! (Confidence alone in God)
When we take ourselves out of the equation and simply obey, we are able to rest in God and trust in His ability to do what He has promised. My prayer is that my heart would reflect my confidence in God alone. 

The world is chaotic, and shakeable but my God cannot be shaken. 

"By faith Moses choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward" Hebrew 12:23, 25, 26

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of HIS MIGHT."  


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