
Showing posts from September, 2017

A "New" Normal

what's normal anyway, right?    our post-adoption update: summary: things are great. they are challenging. they are busy. they are chaotic. they are messy, but they are great. let me develop that a little more.  so, it's taken me almost 15 years to iron my hubby's (at first i wrote hubbies and had to laugh) work clothes. yep, that a one and a five. when we first got married i was intent on not falling under the classification of "modern 50s woman". house hold chores would be split, no ironing, no "solo" maker of the meals, not barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. all household responsibilities would be split 50/50 and if it were possible for him to bare children, well...that would have been on the list too.  well, after almost 15 years you know what i've realized. things flow better for our large family when i take on the household responsibilities. dishes, cooking, cleaning, laundry. our house has more peace, our relationships with our kiddo...