
Showing posts from May, 2017

COUNTDOWN TO CHINA....China....and home again (A hobbit's tale...just kidding)

Hi Friends and Family! We are so close to leaving for our life changing adventure. God is good and will continue to remain good whatever comes.....HOWEVER, we are praying for smooth sailing for our 14 hour flight, traveling with our entire crew! Feelings up to this point? It's hard to put into words. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's funny looking back and seeing time at work. that entry above was from prior to our leave to China. but the effects of time hold true for all things...time will continue regardless of whether or not we take advantage of it and "make the most out of every opportunity". So here is sit looking backwards and reflecting on our amazing journey through adoption. And our new title as a 'blended' family. I wasn't sure how things would shake out to be honest. Would he be okay with us, would our bio kiddos be okay with him, would we be f...